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Hauxton Primary School

Being The Best We Can Be

Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors’ section

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor

If you would like further information concerning our Governing body and their activities please contact the school office

The Role of the Governors at Hauxton Primary School


The Governing Board works closely with the Headteacher and is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the school.  The Governors have a general responsibility for the effective management of the school but do not take decisions about the day to day running of the school; this responsibility lies with the Headteacher.


The Governing Board is here to support the school and is made up of a group of individuals from a variety of backgrounds.  Some of the Governors are parents and staff, and some come from the wider community.  This mix provides a wealth of experience and views.


The Full Governing Board meets once every half term.  In addition, the Finance, Buildings and Health and Safety Committee and the School Self Evaluation Committee also meet once every half term to discuss matters in detail and put forward recommendations for approval by the full Governing Board.


Individual Governors have curriculum and other areas of responsibility to oversee, make arranged visits to school on a rota basis and also take part in school events.


Our Governing Board


Simon Burgin -  Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor

I am a full time Police Officer serving with Cambridgeshire Constabulary. My main day to day work is the investigation and reconstruction of Fatal Road Traffic Collisions.

I have been directly involved with Hauxton Primary School for 10 years. Both of my children joined Hauxton in Reception class having been at Hauxton Pre School, and have now made a great transition across to "Big School" at Sawston Village College.

Hauxton Primary School prides itself on positive individual learning experiences for every child, surrounded by a caring and determined staff team led by our Headteacher.


Every child at Hauxton is given their opportunity to shine through a whole range of activities in both formal learning and creative learning and I see first hand the rich environment that is provided, including the use of our fantastic outside space.


As the Chair of the Governing Board along with the other Board members our job is to ensure that educational standards are monitored effectively and to drive performance and hold the senior team to account to raise attainment across the year groups of the whole school, as well as support the school with the challenges of providing excellent learning with the limited resources available.


The partnership between parents/carers and home has never been more important. As a parent myself I would invite you to be as involved as you can to support the community feel of Hauxton and help your child get the very best out of their time at Hauxton.

Working together we can achieve many things and above all give every child the chance to be the best they can be.


Helen Hurworth - Head Teacher

I was appointed as Headteacher of Hauxton Primary School in September 2023.  I am passionate about inclusion and, after qualifying as a primary teacher, I studied for a Masters in Education at the University of Cambridge specialising in Special Educational Needs and Inclusion.  Throughout my career I have taught across the primary phases, including Early Years.


The Governing Body is a key part of a successful school providing strategic direction, challenge and support to the team as they encourage everyone to achieve their potential and to be the best they can be


Georgie Statham - Co-opted Governor - Vice Chair

I have a diverse background, having transitioned from researcher in the philosophy of science in Jerusalem to data professional in the Australian Public Service, to my current role where I manage the data and reporting requirements for an environmental services company in the UK. As a new parent to the school, as well as a new resident in the Hauxton area, I have been impressed by the inclusive atmosphere in the school and am keen to foster this in my role as Governor. 


Bhavna Shah - Parent Governor

As a new parent to the school with a keen interest in education, I joined the school's governing body to help make a positive difference.  I am hoping that my background in both Finance and Education as a Management Accountant, will help assist the school in delivering its long and short term strategy to continue to support children to achieve 'the best they can be' and continue to drive up educational attainment in our community.


Jayne Lay - Staff Governor (Assistant Headteacher)

I have been a teacher since 2012 and the Assistant Headteacher at Hauxton Primary School since 2018. I believe I am fortunate to have a role both in the classroom and as part of the senior leadership team for Hauxton Primary School. As a teacher and senior leader, my aim is to give the children of Hauxton Primary School the best opportunities to develop socially, emotionally and academically and feel that being part of the governing board helps support the success of our school. 


Joshua Matthew - Co-opted Governor

I am a Product Manager at the Wellcome Sanger Institute. I have had a rich blend of experiences starting out as a Physics teacher before moving into the technological landscape of Data Analytics, Software Engineering, Entrepreneurship, and now fully immersed in product management. These experiences have led me to volunteer as a STEM ambassador, to inspire and contribute immensely to the lives and developmental journey of the younger generation.

I also lead a charity (Joshiverse) that is both an advocacy for continuous learning and a community of people who are passionate about learning, growth and leadership. We believe that everyone, irrespective of their socioeconomic status deserves access to opportunities that enable these key areas.

I believe that being a part of the governing board at Hauxton Primary School is an opportunity for me to contribute my quota, gleaning from my diverse experiences where possible to drive positive change.


Belinda Harvey - LA Governor


Katie Buhecha - Parent Governor

 Hauxton Primary School Governor Information

NameCommitteesCategory of GovernorAppointed byTerm EndRelevant Business InterestGovernor at Other SchoolRelationship with other Governor or Staff
Simon Burgin (Chair)FPHS (Chair) SECCo-optedGoverning Board10.10.24NoneNoneNone

Georgie Statham

(Vice Chair)

FPHSCo-optedGoverning Board5.2.28NoneNoneNone
Katie Buhecha ParentParent body29.8.28 None 
Bhavna Shah


ParentParent body19.01.25Cambridge Kids Club & Shelford Day Nursery are family businesses.NoneNone

Jayne Snelling




StaffGoverning Board16.10.26Member of StaffNoneNone

Helen Hurworth




HeadteacherGoverning Board Member of StaffNoneNone
Joshua MatthewFPHSCo-optedGoverning Board5.2.28NoneNoneNone
Belinda Harvey LA GovernorLA28.4.28School Improvement Advisor for CCCClarkson Infant and NurseryNone
Vacancy Co-opted     
Anna CaroeClerkClerk  Governance Advisor for Cambs CCGreat and Little ShelfordNone




FPHS: Finance, Premises and Health and Safety                   SEC: Self-Evaluation


Composition of Governing Board

2/2 Parent Governors

1/1 Headteacher

1/1 Staff Governor

1/1 Local Authority Governors

3/4 Co-opted Governors


Historic Governors (left within last 12 months)

NameCommitteesCategory of GovernorAppointed byTerm EndRelevant Business InterestGovernor at Other SchoolRelationship with other Governor or Staff
Marwah Hassan   SECParentGoverning Board28.4.24NoneNoneNone
Helen Bradford (Vice-Chair)SECCo-optedGoverning Board24.04.24NoneNoneNone
Sylvia Bates


SEC (Chair)

Co-optedGoverning Board11.10.23NoneNoneMother-in-law of Peter Houghton, Caretaker
Emma Stevens



