At Hauxton, we encourage and support all staff and children to be the best that they can be at all times. We value effort as well as attainment and insist that staff model the same high expectations for manners, respect and behaviour that we ask of our children.
Our vision is to support our children to be socially, emotionally and academically equipped to approach the opportunities and challenges of the future with confidence and determination.
In the Autumn Term of 2023, we consulted with the children, parents and staff of the school to reshape our school values and to refine them to four key values:
which are embedded through our daily assemblies, PSHE curriculum, enrichment days, the school structure and daily routines. Children's efforts are recognised and celebrated in a weekly Celebration Assembly and also on a daily basis through our 'Values Slips' where the children can acknowledge a peer that they have seen behaving in a way that aligns to our values.