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Hauxton Primary School

Being The Best We Can Be

Owl - Y1 & Y2 Autumn Term only

Update 20th October 2023

We have had a lovely half term in Owl Class! It has been a very busy one and we have all learnt so much in such a short amount of time. 

Today we rounded off Maths this term by playing a range of board games that consolidated our place value, addition and subtraction learning! We had great fun! 

Science 28/09/2023

Owls enjoyed exploring each of their five senses in science this week. We explored what happens when a tambourine is covered by a blanket, the textures of different objects, what the world looks like through coloured lenses, as well as different scents and tastes - some were nicer than others! 

Update 20th September 

We have had a busy start to Autumn term in Owls!


In Science, we have loved comparing our heights with the World's Tallest Man - he is even taller than Mrs Caller with her arms raised! We tested how many of our shoes we could fit in one of his footprints, and measured the length of his hands. 


In English, we have been reading a version of Rapunzel. We have been focusing on reflecting on her feelings as well as making predictions about the rest of the story ahead of writing diaries next week. 


We have all been working hard on getting used to completing rainbow challenges independently throughout the day, all with links to our learning in Maths, English, Science and Foundation Subjects. It is all very new and exciting! 

Welcome to Owls! - September 2023

Welcome to a new school year, and welcome to Owls for the Year 1s! Miss Gill is the teacher for Owl Class and Mrs Caller is our Teaching Assistant. Other adults may also work with our class at different times. PE days are Monday and Wednesday, with Miss Cousins from JS Sport teaching the class on Wednesday afternoons. Ms Parr and Ms Usman will also be teaching some lessons in our class on Wednesday and Friday afternoons. 


We have already started our topics in Science (Who am I?) and Geography (London and the UK). In Science we have been learning about different parts of our bodies and what they do. In Geography we have begun to look at the different countries within the UK and their capital cities. 


There is lots of interesting learning to look forward to this term, so keep checking this page to see what we have been up to. There will also be further information in the Autumn Term class letter which will be out soon.


